Wednesday 25 October 2023

Football match⚽

A match was set up by me between students of class 8B. The winners were given a made up trophy (made by me) which will surely boost them and also make them happy. ♥️✨


Friday 13 October 2023

WEEk 1 @ St. John's

After completing 2 semesters at college, we stepped into the next phase of our B.Ed life that is practice teaching. The school that I was allotted was St John's Model HSS, Nalanchira. We were a team of 16 from different optionals.I got the class 9 H and my concerned teacher there was Sajini tr.

The HM of the school Bijo Geevarghese sir and all other teachers gave us a warm welcome. Being the first time in the role of a teacher I was very excited about it. 

HM briefed us the various duties and activities that we are supposed to carry out in the school. According to that we started doing our duties from the second day onwards.

Bindhu tr introduced me to 9A .The students were just like any other teenagers a bit restless and talkative.  My teacher Mrs.Meakha ma'am came for my class observation. Dr Ancy ma'am also came for my class observation.

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